Hello, I’m Nicole, a Consultant Astrologer at

My focus is to help you gain insight, clarity and guidance with your personal finances, career and life direction.

My career spans over 35 years and I have experience in the fields of finance, IT, business and customer service in social services.

I use the age old wisdom of Astrology, together with my deep passion of helping others in the areas of career and/or life direction, personal finances and home life. 


What is Astrology? Astrology is the study of the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets on the personal human affairs and the collective, mundane events according to their positions and aspects.

My interest in Astrology dates back to when I started reading the horoscope pages at a young age via my Dad’s daily newspaper. My interest and curiosity was always bubbling away under the surface until Neptune landed on my Ascendant – (I was born with the planet Neptune in station)

I began my journey of formal learning of Astrology in 2005 when looking for local Astrology classes in the Blue Mountains, Australia, and tracked down the Sirius School of Astrology with teachers Sherrynne Dalby and Ed Tamplin.

When I began classes, I knew that this was what I was seeking.

Over the course of the next few years, I successfully completed my formal training.

In the past 3 years, I have worked diligently to finish the last 2 out of 4 exams and in 2022 have successfully attained and held certification of the Australian Federation of Astrologers Practioner’s Diploma. (Dip. Astro). I am a current member of the Astrology Association of NSW Inc (AANSW).

I continue to hone my Astrological skills at every opportunity, 

assisting family and friends with various natal chart readings from career and finances to best timing for house moves. I also partake in group Astrology sessions via Kelly Surtees Astrology classes to further develop my Astrological skills.

Whenever there is an opportunity to learn about Astrology, I enthusiastically jump in. I find the Astrology woo woo world fascinating, challenging and highly enjoyable. 


Wouldn’t it be great to have your own personal, authentic awareness of who you are, and discover your unique blueprint and know when to capitalise on the good times and when the retracted periods are coming up in your life?

I can assist you willingly and in confidence with helping you gain understanding and insight in the areas of your career, finances and home life.

I use the ever evolving art of Astrology to help you find a clearer sense of who you are and your personal path ahead.